

Thursday, January 01, 1970

"Some of the women are excellent singers"

Among the Indians, there are poets, who are also musicians. The person who composes a song, does it by singing it over alone, in the air which he designs shall accompany it; and he repeats this exercise, until he has committed both sufficiently to memory. After that, he frequently teaches it to others. Songs are frequently composed for particular occasions, such as feasts, &c. Among the Carriers, there are often several competitors for this honour; and he who composes the best song, is rewarded, while the unsuccessful poets are treated with derision. The subjects of their songs are generally love and war, though they have some which are ludicrous and obscene. They have a great variety of songs; and I have known an Indian who could sing at least two hundred, and each song had its peculiar air. Female poets are not common among them. Some of the women, however, are excellent singers.

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